• In relationship with the sea

    Your source of natural astaxanthin grown and harvested by the sea

    Located at the bottom of the world’s second longest fjord with 100% renewable hydropower
    Photo: Rigmor Øygarden
  • Innovative photobioreactor

    Fully closed and controlled process
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Your source of natural astaxanthinFjordAlg AS

Starting with fresh mountain water, we carefully prepare the optimal medium for growing our algae. Algae culture and medium are placed in an innovative photobioreactor that ensures a fully closed and controlled process. After harvest the algae are processed imedately and hygiencally to the highest standards.

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  • Natural energy

    Norway has a long relationship with the sea and many sources of fresh, clean water.
    Virtually all electricity comes from renewable hydropower.
    Tapping into these traditions and natural advantages, FjordAlg is your path to quality natural microalgae, inspired by nature and grown and harvested by the Fjords.
  • Hygiene and Quality

    Starting with fresh mountain water, we carefully prepare the optimal medium for growing our algae.
    Algae culture and medium are placed in an innovative photobioreactor that ensures a fully closed and controlled process.
    After harvest the algae are processed immediately and hygiencally to the highest standards.
  • About FjordAlg AS

    FjordAlg was founded on the belief that microalgae can contribute both to human wellbeing and that algae ingredients have a role as a feed source
    We supply natural microalgae that satisfy our customers' requirements for healthy, safe and natural raw materials..
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The Team

Team 800„We are breaking a path to natural astaxanthin in aquaculture“


FjodAlg Logo

Pawel has an MSc in Environmental Engineering and has worked with algae for years.
He really enjoys ocean fishing for cod and pollock and can’t wait to get a mountain trout.


Nina has an MSc in marine biology from Bergen and she likes being in and on water when not helping our algae perform their best.
Her favourite fish is salmon, but only raw (and naturally pigmented).


Tor-Erik has an MSc in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. He is our problem solving boy scout that stumbled upon the wonders of microbiology and an allrounder with a need to contribute. His favourite fish is canned mackerel in tomato sauce.


Gabriel has a PhD in chemistry and started the company after some years as senior manager in process industry.
While pondering algae, he likes some bacalao or anjovies, but not mixed.